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Happy National Dog Day! Here Are 30 Pictures To Celebrate Man’s Best Friend!


Happy National Dog Day! Anyone who has dogs or gets to interact with them on a regular basis knows what incredible specimens they are.  Dogs are always there to be your friend, offer support, and put a smile on your face. Dogs will keep you active and healthy, lower your stress, and always make you feel like a superstar when you get home from work. Dogs are incredibly loyal, and will be by your side for life. There is never a dull moment in life when you have dogs, and that is something I absolutely love. To celebrate National Dog Day, I give you 30 pictures of my two wonderful Goldendoodles, Isla and Lilly. These two have made life such a spectacular journey, and I can’t wait for all of the adventures we have in store for the future.

1. Isla and Lilly greet the morning sun with enthusiasm and stoicism every day.

2. Although they tend to hog the bed, they do a great job of keeping me warm.

3. Isla never lets me out of her sight. She was 8 weeks old when we first met, and we’ve been attached at the hip ever since.

4. Sometimes it’s a little too cold in the morning to leave the tent, but she still keeps her eye on me.

5. They’re always the first ones asleep.

6.Sunsets are best when they’re shared with company.

7. I don’t usually like to brag, but I never stop talking about how good looking my dogs are.

8. Lilly is the curious and mischievous one. She came from a difficult background, but we rescued her. She is a beautiful little soul.

9. Isla and Lilly were going to start a pop music group, but opted for something a little heavier when we went to photograph their album cover.

10. This little one is an absolute sky walker. There is no trail she can’t tame.

11. Sometimes Lilly needs a little help. It’s okay though, because she’s always got my back.

12. I have to remember that these two are still just pups, as they’re playing in the mud makes evident.

13. True happiness is watching these two bundles of joy play tag in the mountains.

14. I was always really bad at posing for pictures as a kid. Isla is a pro, all it takes is a little treat bribe.

15. Little Lilly staring in “The Doodle Wears Prada”.

16. Dinner time!

17. We finished this hike and set up the tent. Before I could even get my dinner ready, Isla had taken over my sleeping bag.

18. Sisters! A sister reaches for your hand, and touches your heart.

19. My little snow angel checking out some footprints.

20. Isla’s Igloo. Vacancy for dogs only. Special rate for Goldendoodles.

21. Mush! Mush! She’s not a sled dog, but she can run like one.

22. This was Lilly’s first weekend after being rescued. You can see how happy Isla was to have her.

23. Q: What do you call a dinosaur that’s a noisy sleeper? A: A Bronto-snorus.

24. This is the look Isla gives me when I’m making her stop to pose for too many pictures.

25.This was the day Isla realized she loved climbing rocks.

26. Nothing better than taking in the sights of Joshua Tree together.

27. Dashing through the snow. Winter is a wonderland with doggies by your side.

28. Exploring the beautiful lakes and mountains of the High Sierra.

29. This was two seconds before Isla got really excited and started sprinting around the lake in a circle.

30. This picture just about sums it up for life with dogs. Pure bliss!

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